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Editorial policy

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Editorial policy

Jahurul Islam Medical Journal (JIMJ) is a peer reviewed open access journal.It accepts, in English, original articles, review articles, case reports, letter to editor. Articles concerning all aspects of biomedical will be considered.

Peer review-

– All submitted manuscripts to Jahurul Islam Medical Journal (JIMJ) initially assessed by the editorial board to see the criteria for submission and will select peer reviewers of subject experts to peer review the manuscripts.
– All manuscriptsare reviewed by two independent reviewers (double blinded peer review process) that selected from a pool of reviewers based on their expertise and the type of the manuscript.
– A limited time is given to the reviewers to give their valuable comments which are entered in the evaluation form along with the manuscript.
– Reviewers’ suggestions and recommendationsalong with editorial board decision will be forwarded to the corresponding author for further action.
– The authors should revise the manuscript immediately after receipt of the comments from the JIMJ. The revised manuscript has to be submitted online within one week. Asking for revision does not guarantee acceptance.
– The Editor will inform the corresponding author if the manuscript is not accepted for publication in the JIMJ.
– Reviewed articles are treated confidentially.
– Authors’ must be careful when they reproduce text, tables or illustration from other sources.


Plagiarism will be review seriously as guideline of BMDC.Copying text, tables or illustrations from any source (journal article, book, monographs, thesis, Internet/any electronic media or any other published or unpublished material) is considered plagiarism.


All accepted articles for publication or published in the JIMJ will be the copyright of the journal.  The journal has the right to publish the accepted articles in any media (print, electronic or others). The author (s) should agree to transfer copyright and sign in a declaration to this ground.


The article must be submitted with statements signed by all authors regarding originality, authorship and copyright as given format of declaration & copyright form.


To submit article, authors should register themselves by using JIMJ website. For already registered users, they should login to the journal and follow steps to submit the manuscripts by using email: info@jimc-journal.com

Publication fees policy-

– There are no fees for submitting article to the journal.
– Once the article is accepted, article processing and printing charges are applied as follows:

Tk. 3000/- (Three Thousand Taka Only)   for authors from JIMC.

Tk. 5000/- (Five Thousand Taka Only) for authors from other institutes.