As a part of submission of article to publish in Jahurul Islam Medical Journal (JIMJ), authors are compliance to following information:
• Articles has not previously published or not considered to publish in another journal.
• Submitted article should be adhere to the Author(s) guidelines; if do not adhere, article may be returned to the authors.
Author(s) guidelines
JIMJ is an official publication of Jahurul Islam Medical College that considers publication in all fields of Medical Sciences. Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with “Uniform requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journal” developed by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and rules & regulation recommended by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC). The uniform requirements and specific requirement of JIMJ are summarized below as
Sending the Manuscript to the Journal
Author(s) should send three hard copies and soft copy of the manuscript along with a covering letter, signed by all authorswith phone number & email address of corresponding author. The covering letter must include information on prior or duplicate publication or submission elsewhere of any part of the work/study and a statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest. Mailing address to send manuscript:
Jahurul Islam Medical Journal
Jahurul Islam Medical College
Bhagalpur, Bajitpur, Kishoregonj, Bangladesh.
Ethical Aspects
When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the committee on human experimentation of the institution in which the experiments were done or in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration revised 2000.
Manuscript Organization:
• Double spaced throughout with justified & 2.5 cm margins
• Font type is Time New Roman, Size 12
• Printed on a good quality A4 80 gm on one side of paper
• Manuscript should have uniform style, correct journal format, spelling and punctuation
Preparation of the Manuscript
Manuscript should include the following section and begin on separate page:
• Title page
• Abstract & key words
• Introduction
• Materials & Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• References
• Tables and legends.
Title Page
• Type of manuscript (Original/Review/Case report)
• The title of the article, which should be concise, but informative
• Name of the contributors/Authors (Last name, First name and initial of middle name), with institutional affiliation
• The name of the department and institution where the study was done
• The name, address, phone numbers and e-mail address of the contributor responsible for correspondence
Abstract & key words
• Structured with headings (Background, objectives, Material & Methods, Result & conclusions)
• Should be informative and should not more than 250 words
• Should avoid abbreviations
• Below the abstract should provide 3 to 6 key words
The text should be divided into sections with the following heading: Introduction, Materials &Methods, Results and Discussion.
• The purpose(s) of the article should be clearly disclosed
• Rationale of the study or observation
• Give strictly pertinent references only
• Do not review the subject extensively
• Do not include data or conclusions from the work being reported
Materials and method
• The selection criteria of the study population including controls (if any).
• Study type, place & time
• The methods and the apparatus used in the research.
• The procedure of the study in such a detail so that other worker can reproduce the results.
• Previously published methods (if applicable) with appropriate citations.
• Describe statistical methods with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the reported results
• Present result in logical sequence in text, tables and illustrations
• Give description without comment
• Do not duplicate data in the tables & figure
• The authors comment on the results and to relate the observations to other relevant studies
• Do not repeat in detail data or other material given in the Introduction section or the Results section
• Link the conclusions with the goals of the study, avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by your data
• Avoid claiming priority and alluding to work that has not been completed
• Well-founded arguments
• Should be self-explanatory and should not duplicate textual material
• Tables with more than 10 columns and 25 rows are not acceptable
• Each table should be numbered in Roman and printed in separate page
• Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading
• Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order of citation in the text
• Each figure should have a label pasted on its back indicating the number of the figure, the running title, top of the figure and the legends of the figure. Do not write on the back of figures, scratch or mark them by using paper clips
• Symbols, arrows or letters used in photomicrographs should contrast with the background and should mark neatly with transfer type or by tissue overlay and not by pen
Legends for illustrations
• Type legends for illustrations double spaced with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations
• When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used for identifying parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend
• Explain the internal scale and identify method of staining in photomicrographs
• For Reference, use author number style (Vancouver) which is based on ANSI standard adapted by the National Library of Medicine
• References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text
• Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in superscript
• The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus
• Write the name of 6 authors followed by et al. if authors number are more
Example of correct forms of references in Journals
1. Standard journal article: (List all authors when six or less; when seven or more, list only first six and add et al.) Rahman MM, Alvarez JO, Mahalanabis D, Wahed MA, Islam MA, Unicomb L et al. Effect of vitamin A administration on response to oral polio vaccination. Nutr Res. 1998;18(2):1125-33.
2. Corporate author: World Health Organization. Scientific Working Group. Rotavirus and other viral diarrhoeas. Bull World Health Organ. 1980;58:183 98.
3. No author given: Defining the limits of public health (editorial). Lancet 2000;355:587.
4. Journal supplement:Hebbelinck M, Clarys P, De Malsche A. Growth, development, and physical fitness of Flemish vegetarian children, adolescents, and young adults. Am J ClinNutr. Jan 1999;70(2): 579- 85.
5. Journal paginated by issue:Kitua AY. Field trials of malaria vaccines. Indian J Med Res. Aug1997;106(3):95 108.
6. Books and other monographs
a. Personal author(s): Walker SJ. Diseases of the small intestine in childhood. 2nd ed. Kent: Pitman Medical. 1979:171-249.
b. Chapter in a book:Heird WC, Cooper A. Nutrition in infants and children. In: Shils ME, Young VR, editors. Modern nutrition in health and disease. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lea &Febiger, 1988:944- 68.
7. Published proceedings paper: Sack DA. Bacteriological and clinical variation of acute diarrheal disease. In: Mazurrider DNG, Chakraborty AK, De S, Kumer AK, editors. Proceedings of the 8th National Conference on Communicable Diseases. Calcutta: All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Heath. 1980:89-93.
8. Dissertation & Thesis:Rahman ASMM. Village practitioners of Bangladesh: their characteristics and role in an oral rehydration programme. London: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 1980: 84. (Dissertation).
9. Newspaper article: Azad AS. Water pollution and health hazards. Bangladesh Observer. Dec 1982; 11:5(col 3).
10. Magazine article:Roueche B. Annals of medicine; the Santa Claus culture. The New Yorker. Sept 1971; 4:66-81.